Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Every results-driven being has created a 5-year plan for themselves, whether it is used as a loose guideline, or in my case, a non-negotiable. My magic number was 25, and as I approached it, my anxiety built – I was nowhere close to reaching my goals.

  • I hadn’t gotten married or started a family.
  • I hadn’t finished school.
  • I wasn’t working my dream job.
  • I hadn’t bought a home.
  • I was still in the same town.

It took many come-to-Jesus meetings, many struggles before I humbled myself. Only then could I succumb to 25, I was exactly where I needed to be – alive after 25.

Once I had that revelation, I wanted to tell everyone. I wanted to reach someone who needed this same realization. Truth be told, I wasn’t ready to be vulnerable enough to tell my whole story; to be completely transparent about how I got here. In the age of social media and the constant portrayal of women leading these perfect lives, I couldn’t get past my own insecurity.

It wasn’t too long ago, in the shower-I do my best thinking in the shower-that I finally said, “Fuck this.”

Nobody is perfect. These lifestyle bloggers aren’t reality. They aren’t immune to everyday struggles. These are aesthetically pleasing snippets that draw you in and create views, wants desires, and most problematic: insecurities.

At 29, I can tell you that the struggle is never over. My goal for 2020: Be present; be still, no matter what it takes, don’t loose faith.

Sex on a Weekday isn’t some raunchy site. You won’t find nudes or innuendos.

Instead, you will find me in my simplest, most transparent form. My success and my happiness, amongst it all. During the tasks, the chores, the chaos of everyday living as a woman trying to find balance. And, honestly, I suggest that you try to do this too. Burn out is not, I repeat, is not, a badge of honor.

Currently, may of us are living in a state of fear. We do not know what the future holds; if we will find a cure to this virus that is ravaging our communities, if we will have a job in the upcoming weeks or even if there will be enough resources for everyone. I have an opinion, maybe an unpopular one. Fear is a choice, just like Faith. If you choose to live your life in fear of the unknown, you wont ever be settled. It will find its way into every decision that you make. Your short and long term choices will be at its mercy.

Have faith that there is a greater purpose to this halt of life as we know it. Its symbolic to me that it is taking place during Lent. The season of fasting and sacrifice to become closer to God. We are gaining a whole lot of perspective. Realizing what is essential and non-essential. He is revealing the privileges we have. So please, open your eyes and see the lesson in this.

Life is precious and we are blessed.


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